Sunday, August 13, 2006

So Howecome Chica Oma Don't Have...

An office, an adddress or a phone number Oma Hamou says she is this well experienced "Movie Producer" and runs this fancy "Foundation". Well, there is no contact info for Chica Oma anywhere on the web, at least thats valid. For like five years she used a fancy sounding 90210 address, which turned out to have been a mail drop place, where you can rent a cubicle by the hour if you need an "office", but dropped out of there like over two years before she stopped actuall USING that address. The phone number, according to some guys on the web, was bogus. Her "sarakaia foundation" has a web site, but the contact page is blank except for an email addy. Her "motion pic company" Enigma Films, has only a placeholder graphic (and not a great one at that, pretty cheesy actually) and NO contact info at all. This just "ain't right" as my Texas buds say. See, here in LaLa Land, all the genuine "Industry" types I know have their contact info tatooed on their foreheads and stuff their cards into every open palm they can find. Weird no? Chica Oma refuses to release any office addy.

A real resume or at least SOME verifiable references? Oma Hamou says all the time on the web how she is this "well experienced" playah in the Hollywood film biz, not to mention actress model and author, (just see her website!) well, the REALLY weird thing is that there is nothing, nada, zip, zilch out there about her doing ANYTHING in the movie biz, producing, directing, acting, authoring or modelling. Heck, I couldn't even find referernces as an EXTRA for cryin out loud. Again, every Hollywood wannabee I've ever met can't crow loud enough about their resume and projects, heck even walk-on bits are on there. But Oma Hamou has this weird blank silence on the subject. Yeah, some unknown chick named Nitzana Kedem (I couldn't make that up if I tried!) wrote some puffball bio piece Oma puts out there, but while long on gushing about Miss Thang sippin water at the Polo Lounge and her "beauty", there is not a SINGLE piece of real info. I mean come ON! Oma Hamou filed this lawsuit a couple of years back, even put PDFs of the thing on the web, and it says all over the place that as a "busy motion picture producer, Oma Hamou's reputation is dependant on the public". Well Chica Oma, THIS member of John Q. Public wants to know EXACTLY what your experience IS in the movie biz so I can make up my own mind. Just askin is all. But, again I say "This just ain't right" that there is not a single verifiable reference to support her claims. I have to ask myself why...course you can make up your own mind.