Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Miz Thang Oma Violates Court Orders

Miz Thang Nevah wuz Oma Hamou has sure been screaming bloody murder lately about other people allegedly "violating Court Orders". So, we were sure interested when we came across something doing some net archive searching.

Now, Mizz nevah wuz Thang Oma Hamou, she sure keeps screaming on and on how that guy she sued, Rob Moshein, "violated a Court Order". Now, she never DID anything about it, according to the litigation records. She had lawyers. BUT, SHE never filed a Motion for Contempt for this alleged violation of the order. BUT she sure screams bloody murder that it happened even today years later.

WEEELLLL Kiddies, look what we found:

SEEMS the pot is calling the kettle black aint it! Yep, ole Mizz Thang Oma Hamou was "held in Contempt of Court" for failing to abide by the order of the Court that she pay sanctions to Robert Atchison. Sanctions? That is legal speak for a fine as punishment. Turns out, the Court found that Oma Hamou had abused the Discovery Process, and so was sanctioned as punishement. She refused to pay the money ordered and SO WAS IN VIOLATION OF THE COURT ORDER THAT SHE HAD TO PAY. Thus the Court found her IN CONTEMPT OF COURT.

Mizz Thang seems to feel very strongly that she is ABOVE the Courts, that regardless as to a Court of LAW issuing an ORDER, she can IGNORE the Court's order. She is "exempt" from obeying the Courts, in her mind. So much so, that THIS one Court found her in Contempt!

Found this out there on her own Forum:

Post by Oma Hamou on Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:35 pm
"Frank Thompson wrote:I take it that you do not plan to pay Bob Atchison?
No, I do not."

Hmmm, we have a copy of the Judgment of the Court in the case Bob Atchison won against Mizz Thang Oma Hamou, thanks to an attorney bud who had his document service get us a copy. It says Oma Hamou is ordered by the court to pay Robert Atchison his judgment of $13,859.99 plus interest. We wonder what the Honorable Judge Gisela Triana of the District Court would have to say to Oma Hamou refusing to abide by her order...We wonder what the judges in all the other cases against her would think for her violating their own Court Orders that she pay all those other folks too.

We of course, wonder what anyone doing business would think of Oma Hamou's stated attitude towards Court orders and Judgments, should they ever find themselves having to sue her...god forbid, of course.

We wonder what makes Mizz Thang Oma Hamou think she can violate Court Orders at her whim, discretion, and pleasure, but herself scream bloody hell about other people doing the same thing...

Can you say "HYPOCRITE" kiddies. We know you can.

We know what it tell us...Decide for yourselves.