Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Can you say "Drama Queen"? We know you can.....

Ok, so yesterday, OLD Mizz Nevahwuz Oma Hamou starts crying crocodile tears about how she is being "stalked" whenever she goes onto the aol account for her long defunct company "Enigma Films". Now first, does anybody still use aol? I mean, that is SO 1990s. Well actually, my dad uses aol still, which should tell you since he's totally technologically challenged. Heck he can't even use a debit card.

Anyway OLD Mizz Nevahwuz Oma Hamou wrote:"
"I am aware [these people} and friends/associates of [theirs] are monitoring the time of the day either I or someone else logs into Enigma's account with AOL. I would like them to cease and desist but they seem to be incapable of doing this."

Now, this seemed not to make much sense, so I went to my Dad's last night and asked him to log into his aol so I could see just what was what about this.

First thing, in order for someone to KNOW she was logged onto aol, they would have to have her on their "buddy list" which shows whenever someone is logged into the aol system. Now, this works BOTH WAYS, see, the ONLY way for Mizz Drama Queen to "be aware" or "see" those people were "monitoring" her was IF SHE HAS THEM ON HER BUDDY LIST HERSELF. Thus, logically speaking, SHE IS ALSO "STALKING" THEM HERSELF.

Now the real crocodile tears part is "I would like them to cease and desist but they seem to be incapable of doing this." Now, "if" she "really" doesn't want anyone to know when she's on the aol system, aol makes this VERY EASY. Its called "Privacy". You go to "preferences" select "buddy list" then click on "Privacy" then you have LOTS of options, ranging from NOBODY can see you logged in or selecting specific people who CAN see you, or selecting specific people who CAN NOT see you. Easy as pie to be invisible when using aol, but you have to WANT to be invisible.

I mean, I found this all out in like ten minutes using their "Help" feature. The stuff is written for six year olds to understand.

"IF" Mizz Nevahwuz Oma Hamou "REALLY" wants privacy on aol, its SIMPLE for her to "protect" herself and be totally invisible. By her own admission, she hasn't even bothered to TRY to be private on her aol. So, why not??

Well, geez, ya think that maybe, JUST MAYBE, she wants to play the victim to the hilt and have something to complain about to create more DRAMA around herself? We know what seems logical to us. You make up your own minds of course.

Oh, and by the way, "IF" we "were" the alleged "stalkers" who she very incorrectly claims, nay insists, are the very same people who also write this blog (and no we still are not them), would we have just given her this information? Duh.