Saturday, July 11, 2009

New FELONY CHARGE and ALIAS for Mizz THANG Oma Hamou

Wow, been a busy busy week for our Mizz Thang Oma Hamou now using the NEW ALIAS name of Alexandra McConnell and Alexandra Oma McConnell.

Guess what peepz??? She done gone got her Miss Thang Self ARRESTED FOR A FELONY!

(-Sorry Mr. Moshein, we DID lift your image, but it was too perfect not to use. If you object, say so in your blog and we will gladly take it down.)

So, Check it:
November 7, 2008 ALEXANDRA OMA MCCONNELL is ARRESTED in Victorville California. She is held in Custody (that means "JAIL" kiddies) for like 6 weeks.

ALEXANDRA OMA MCONNELL aka Oma Hamou is Charged with the FELONY CRIME of violation of California Penal Code Section 476, FORGERY of a financial instrument (either a check or she was forging money. Given her "colorful" background with regards to checks, we suspect that.)

OK, at this point, we are going to tell you where you can go to verify this information for yourselves kids, so that our Mizz Thang don't go on some foul mouth tirade that we are lying or making this s*** up...

Go here:
Click "accept" then search either Alexandra McConnell in Defendant search or just go to case number FVI802540 Defendant 3045972 MCCONNELL, ALEXANDRA OMA

Her initial bail was set at ONE MILLION DOLLARS! see the 12/03/2008 1:30 PM DEPT. V6A IN CUSTODY ARRAIGNMENT

Oma Hamou now aka ALEXANDRA OMA HAMOU sat on her large butt in Jail until December 18, 2008, when bail was reduced to $25,000 and she got bonded out. November 7 until December 18 equals like SIX WEEKS IN JAIL!

Seems like the San Bernardino DA office thinks this is pretty darn serious.

Oh,yeah. Click on Defendant Personal Information. Our now 46 year old (well in two weeks she turns 46) Mizz THANG is a rather "chunky" 5'0 155 lbs. She seems really obsessed about the weight thing too. I mean, she has posted like dozens of times on Moshein's self defending blog that she aint fat, she's a perky size 8...

UMMM MIZZ THANG - You be facing FELONY JAIL TIME girlfriend. You got serious sh** here. You know, maybe being petite and perky aint the best idea at CIW...

We will of course keep close eyes on this one kids...