Sunday, June 17, 2007

Credibility Again.

So the other blog (actually there seem to be two, the Oma Hamou alternate personalities seem to feel the need to clone the one blog over to a second blog, go figure) claims to "know" who we are, "who" we are in contact with, and that "we" are people we actually are not, and that everything we report here is a "lie" and designed to "attack" Oma Hamou (which it isn't, but again, go figure, Chica Wannabee Never was nuttin but an extra in a commercial Oma Hamou just thinks the truth being told is an "attack"...Oh, and notice that Oma Hamou and her alter egos (the ones with the admitted agenda) "say" someone admitted to "knowing" who we are, and that the statement was "authenticated". Well, notice that they DON'T bother to produce the ACTUAL statement, nor produce the proof of the "authentication". Yet again, more of Wannabee Chica Oma's "take my word for it", conveniently without the real evidence.

UPDATE: So, after calling us "hopelessly insane" for even asking they substantiate their claims, they provide this as their "evidence" (SIGH.....)
Rob Moshein said he knew the creator of Oma Hamou Reality Blog and this statement was authenticated on on Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 6:10 PM.
QUOTE ROB MOSHEIN: "...Whats good for the goose Oma is good for the gander.... if you want that person to stop the Oma Hamou Reality site, it will have the same effect for the one you operate there as well. Just FYI. Ta Psycho..."
Yet the author of that other blog claims he is not in contact or associated with Bob Atchison or his Alexander Palace Time Machine web site. Go figure?

Some "smoking gun" huh? Do YOU see anywhere where "Rob Moshein said he knew the creator" of this blog? WE sure don't see it. What exact words in there actually SAY Rob Moshein knows who we are? Looks more to US like he said "If you get Blogger to pull the blog on the Oma Hamou Reality blog, he can get Blogger to pull the plug on Oma Hamou's blog." Even better the link they provide TO their proof is an invalid link, no website there and nothing in the archives either. Pretty "Credible" huh?
and FOR THE RECORD AGAIN, no We are NOT Rob Moshein, We don't COMMUNICATE with Rob Moshein, and WE don't even know him. No, we don't know Oma Hamou either. Go figure.

UPDATE REDUX: Oma Hamou posted some bizarre screed about this update. Not worth bothering about really, but we all howled in laughter at the fact that she (posing as Justin Edwards again) called THIS blog poorly written. WELL Kiddies, quite literally the PREVIOUS several sentences read:
Tell us all how Marcus Demian was able to contact your "skankiness" when your too much of a chicken shit to even leave a contact information on that blog... doesn't matter because the police knows your identity and all I or anyone else cares about is...
You heard it here first: Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein is seven. Poor wittle Bobby and Robby! Sweet Moses, I can't wait to read the poorly written posts that follows this post. ...

Umm, Oma/Justin. It should have been:
"when YOU'RE too much of a chicken shit..."
"because the police KNOW your identity..."
"all I or anyone else CARE about is..."
"Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein ARE seven."

Well, maybe they aren't smarter than a 5th Grader, bu at least, kiddies, they do fess up the TRUTH about their blog(s) with this exact disclaimer
The Alexander Palace Obsession site publishes both rumors and conjecture, in addition to accurately reported information. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the sites' proprietor does not make any warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the sites' content

So, lets read this for what it is: Their site(s) publish rumors and conjecture BUT CALL IT THE TRUTH, the information they PUBLISH MIGHT NOT EVEN BE ACCURATE OR TRUE, but they CALL it the truth, and the site's proprietor doesn't even have the balls or decency to STAND UP for the accuracy of what they say.

So, read their blog with that in mind folks. I know WE do...

Oh, and the information in THIS blog, OmaHamouReality, is the most accurate information we can find based on independent research of the public record and from contact with people whose contact information we provide so that you may assess the accuracy of the information for yourselves. While we believe the information is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief, we encourage YOU to research the information we provide to determine the accuracy for yourself.
We don't ask you to believe made up names like "Jim" "Justin" or "Mike" about people. We only ask you to look at Court records, public record information, or real people you can contact and identify for yourself.

So, kiddoes. Again, judge credibility by who says what, and who does what by their actions. We know that WE do...

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