Saturday, November 25, 2006

Oma Hamou and the Oma Hamou Reality

So, this has gotten a little long winded, and I thought to summarize and make this all concise.

Updated December 1, 2006 with new info!
Why do this? Well, this Oma Hamou chica makes a whole bunch of vague, nebulous statments and claims, starting with Oma Hamou herself writing "I am a motion picture producer relying on the respect and enthusiasm of a substantial segment of the movie going public." june 2004 ( see: ). SO, since she is putting herself before the public, she is now a "public figure" and the public has a right to ask questions about her experience and reputation "as a Motion Picture Producer" and the public has a right to GET ANSWERS to those questions and investigate her assertions. Thats what we're doing here. Notice how Oma Hamou calls legitimate investigation into her background "stalking" or "harassment" or "libel". Hey babe, you don't want people asking questions, then DON'T go public with your claims. Easy as that.

In addition to the many "whoppers" below, which we've already mentioned, Oma Hamou says She appeared in several films (this is in her "bio" on her website...its long on fluff and adjectives, but VERY short on actual information.)

The Oma Hamou Reality: Oma Hamou steadfastly refuses to identify any specific films that she "appeared in". Instead, a psychotic sounding alter ego (most likely a false front/sockpuppet for Oma Hamou) said on the web "whether she danced or was an extra the reality is that Oma appeared on television and in films."

So, the question is obvious. WHY does Oma Hamou refuse to just identify her screen appearances? There are only two logical and reasonable reasons; either she has none in reality, OR she does not want them known. It has been suggested to me by every single Movie Biz professional here in LA that I chatted to about this claim, totally on their own unprompted, but each and every single one said the same thing..."Come on, she lived in the Valley...she was doing pornos...thats why she won't say what movies." For those unfamiliar, the San Fernanado Valley here in LA is THE center of the US porno film/video industry. Makes sense, but I can't verify it.

Oma Hamou says: "Oma Hamou is an actress".

The Oma Hamou Reality: Random House Dictionary defines actor/actress as "a person who acts in stage plays, motion pictures, television broadcasts, etc." Well, see above.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as : "a person whose profession is acting."
Well, see above.

The Oma Hamou Reality is that Oma Hamou is either not an actress with any genuine credits or is too ashamed/embarassed of her "appearances" to fess up. Either way, judge for yourself.

Oma Hamou says Oma Hamou has a project. This project is a "major Motion Picture" entitled "As A Matter of Honour."

The Oma Hamou Reality: Oma Hamou has a SCRIPT called "As A Matter of Honour whcih Oma Hamou developed from her novel of the same title.". First problem in the real world:
"As A Matter of Honour" is the title of a novel published not by Oma Hamou, but rather by Lord Jeffrey Archer in 1986. A call to Lord Archer's current US publishers, St. Martin's Press revealed that their legal department has not granted Oma Hamou or Enigma Films the right to use this title for a motion picture, and would take all necessary legal steps to ensure it was not so used.

Second problem in the real world: "This is NOT a major Motion Picture. This is a proposed Motion Picture. There are no actors signed or committed. Oma Hamou has not even signed and filed the require SAG contracts in order to film any part of this in the US. Look it up yourself in SAG.

Oma Hamou says: (on her website bio:) David Davidson is the director of "As A Matter of Honour" and she makes the following quote being attributed to him: "I am very excited by the progress Oma has made with "As A Matter of Honour". I say I am excited, yet in no way am I surprised. ...Over the years Oma has remained a pillar of strength and commitment. I have seen Oma's passion, strength and commitment inspire others, myself included, to believe in the extreme importance and inevitability of this endeavor. I am convinced this project is one of historical importance and consider myself privileged to be a part of it, said David Davidson the director of "As a Matter of Honour".

The Oma Hamou Reality: David Davidson is listed in the Motion Picture databases. He is not really a "Director" having directed only one 15 minute short, which he also wrote. His career in movies and TV is primarily set dressing, Production Assistant, special effects, editing and Art Department. Like anyone genuinely IN the movie/TV business, he was easily located, his resume confirmed and a quick call to his home here in LA revealed the following : His wife said that David refused to speak to anyone anymore about Oma Hamou because he wants nothing more at all to do with her or her "project". He is NOT the Director of her movie, has had NOTHING to do with her or her "movie" in five years, and has not even spoken to her in years and certainly he would not speak to her now. He did NOT make the quote alleged by Oma Hamou to by him. period. Davidson's wife also confirmed that Oma Hamou obtained an American Express card in his name without his knowledge or consent, Oma Hamou then ran up literally many thousands of dollars in charges on this card in his name, and Davidson's wife said "she destroyed our lives, I never want to hear her name again."

New info! Found out there in the Internet Archive that Oma Hamou paid Bob Atchison's company Pallasart with an American Express Card, and guess who's NAME was on that card?? Yes, none other than DAVID M. DAVIDSON!

Wait, gets better. See Miss Wannabee Oma Hamou says we are lying about having talked to Davidon's wife. WELL...

I went to the Los Angeles Superior Court, looked up the American Express Lawsuit file against Oma Hamou, Case Number: PC027665
AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL RELATED SER. CO. VS. ENIGMA ROYAL Films, et al. Guess who some of the et al folks are? David M. Davidson AND William Donald Morton! According to the case file, AmEx dismissed the suit against Mr. Davidson after Davidson's lawyers (Steinberg, Nutter & Brent) proved he had no knowledge of the card or its use. Seems Mrs. Davidson AND Edna Morton were telling us the truth after all, that Oma Hamou Miss Wannabee did indeed obtain AmEx cards in other people's names.

Oh, and lest Miss Wannabee Oma Hamou wants to say this aint so, you can search her civil judgment records here for yourself, including the AmEx suit:
(PS: go there to the criminal defendant name search section and type in Oma Demian...)

OK kiddies: so, since Miss Wannabee thang won't give up details, what DO we know for sure about her background and experience.

Oma Hamou Reality:
Oma Hamou is a convicted felon. AT LEAST Three convictions for Fraud (Oh, and Miss Oma Hamou Wannabee Playah, despite what you claim, passing bad checks IS a form of fraud, I checked with several attorneys) for certain, as detailed below in the blog, in Utah, Montana and Wyoming. There may well be five, as I found this image out on the web showing where Oma Hamou answered under oath through her attorney about her convictions

Notice it specifically says " 1992 - State of Utah v Hamou, Bad Checks (3), felonies" See how the first two use the singular "felony" but THIS one is plural. This obviously says she has three felonies in Utah from 1992.

I did more digging...We already know about one Felony conviction in Utah, in Coalville District Court on January 13, 1992 (Oma Demain (aka Oma Ashkenazy Demian, Oma McConnell and Oma Ashkenazy) Convicted of 2nd Degree Felony Crime "Theft by Deception" and recieved a 36 month suspended sentence in Coalville District of Utah.) but:
New info! Found in the internet archives that Hamou WAS indeed convicted in Park City Utah of a second Utah Felony: "Charge 1 - 76-6-405 - THEFT BY DECEPTION 2nd Degree Felony Plea: October 26, 1994 Guilty Disposition: April 03, 2002 Guilty Defendant Name: OMA AKA DEMIAN Offense tracking number: 521598 AND...

The THIRD UTAH Felony:
"Oma McConnell" (aka Oma Demian) was convicted in the State of Utah, Park City District Court, on November 7 1991, Utah Administrative Office of the Courts case number 2218-911613381, of the Felony crime of "Theft By Deception" in violation of Utah Criminal Statue 76-6-405, and a disposition of "Guilty" entered in that Court for this crime.

The New Oma Hamou Whopper is that somehow these THREE DIFFERENT Utah Felonies from THREE DIFFERENT DATES are "the same one". Like anybody out there is actually stupid enough to buy that... Hey Miss Thang I gotta bridge I'm selling too...

Oma Hamou was arrested three times in California as a "Felony Fugitive From Justice", twice here in LA, once in San Diego. Look it up below in the blog or check for yourself online. Its easy.

Oma Hamou has produced nothing in six years, despite saying she IS a Motion Picture Producer. See, I know real Motion Picture Producers, they've won Oscars and Emmys. Producers actually PRODUCE something. Oma Hamou is a WANNABEE Producer. Oma Hamou has produced nothing. Oh wait, that aint exactly so...Oma Hamou Miss Wannabee Thang HAS produced something, something close to ONE MILLION DOLLARS in known debt, as detailed elsewhere in the blog.

But WAIT, this is way too good to pass up. The obvious question now is WHERE THE HECK DOES OMA HAMOU GET HER MONEY? She has no paying job. Enigma Films has produced only debt and legal judgments. How does Miss Wannabee Thang Oma Hamou get cash? I found the answer.
The Oma Hamou Reality:
An old dude in the Northridge area of the valley (you know, where they make all the porno vids...) named "Jim Sproul" wrote this:
"I have been working closely with Oma Hamou for the past 3 years-- The normal credentials Oma has regarding the making of the film As a Matter of Honor are: Established, long standing, loyal contacts in the industry; experience in the industry
...Initially, I thought I wanted to date Oma. She has **P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L-I-T-Y**!!...
Oma has vested millions into her projects, I have given her over $150,000 just for the temporary relief from her compelling needs to continue and take the next step."

Oma Hamou obviously just relies on guys who want to DATE HER for cash. Thats her "real job"... hmmm, what do you CALL a middle aged 43 year old woman who dates men to get money from them?? Isn't there a name for that? I mean, besides "Oma Hamou".

Turn out the lights,. Show's over...bdye bdye bdye "That's all Folks!"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

More Oma Hamou Reality - poor Miss thang.

OK! So, Oma Hamou says we are "intentionally misleading" you dear readers, and we are "falsifying" or "manipulating" the evidence...

We questioned her "bio" that said "Oma is currently a member of the California Attorney's for Criminal Justice". SO, Miss thang Oma Hamou puts out there a membership receipt to prove we were wrong, when our local bud a practicing Attorney here in So Cal looked her up and found no current listing for her.

The receipt Hamou posted, above, is clearly dated June 20, 2001 and covers the period from July 1,2001 thru June 30, 2002. NOW, the puffball bio piece first appears in the Internet Archives in February 2004. The bottom of the page has a "copyright" dated 2003. Oma Hamou left this bio up on the web and this statement is still there today! Now, the statement is out there that OMA HAMOU IS A MEMBER of that organization long after the period covered by her SO-CALLED PROOF. Clearly, any casual reader of this bio would assume, rather logically, that Oma Hamou IS TODAY a member of this organization. However, Oma Hamou thru Mouthpiece boyfriend Mike Newson at least ADMITS that "she is not now a member". Notice the tap dancing here? Why is the "bio" not dated specifically? Why did Hamou not offer a receipt covering the period the bio SAID she was a member? Why did the bio not say Oma Hamou WAS a member? instead, she buys one year membership for $65, so she can for many years later continue to imply she "IS" still a member. Query you should ask Oma Hamou Miss Thang: Was Oma Hamou a member of this organization during the period of 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 when that statement is being made to the public? Notice she does NOT put this easily confirmed evidence out there, but rather chooses to IMPLY the answer rather than PROVIDE the answer.

Scroll down kiddoes to the Dunn & Bradstreet report from October 2000. Notice something "interesting" in that report? I do...It says "She (Oma Hamou) further indicated that she is a member of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice" the report then says : "A check with the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice on October 21, 2000 found no record of Oma Hamou as a member.". Well DUH, of course it didn't, she was not a member until some eight or nine months after she stated to Dunn & Bradstreet that she WAS a member.


Part 2: Oma Hamou (via her usual fictional mouthpiece boyfriend Mike Newson) asked "why would someone ask a California Attorney who specializes in “criminal law” to verify if Oma’s name appears in a directory of lawyers (as it appears from what was written is where they looked) when one she isn’t an attorney and two --- the article in question specifically reads: “Oma is a member of the California Attorney’s for Criminal Justice” an organization based out of San Francisco."
VERY simple Miss Oma Hamou Wannbee Miss Thang: "IF" you WERE a member of this organization, you would know that A. the membership is not restricted to attorneys, anyone, like Oma Hamou, can cough up the membership fee and be an "associate" member.
B. HOWEVER, the membership ROSTER is available ONLY to Attorneys, so it was just easier to ask our bud who already HAS the current membership roster. The membership roster is NOT "a directory of lawyers....". But again, if you HAD a membership roster AS A MEMBER, you would have known that. DUH.
C. WHAT possible diff could it make that the organization is based out of SF? Its membership is statewide, just read their website.

At least she can't accuse us of making up THESE facts, they're taken from her own website and independent documents, you know, like Dunn & Bradstreet. Wait, maybe D&B is part of that vast "anti-Oma" conspiracy she blathers on for pages and pages about.

See, notice Oma Hamou's tapdance to make implications here that don't exist?? Isn't that what she accuses US of doing?? hmmm.

More later kiddies...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Some Oma Hamou "Reality"

Oma Hamou's "bio" on her website was written by a "Tricia Walters". Google searches, phone calls, and general investigation reveal no published author, writer or columnist of this name.

In the bio:
"...Oma went to school, did a lot of modeling work and appeared in several films. Though moderately successful, Oma slowly became disillusioned with the Hollywood whirlwind."

Some Oma Hamou Reality: Oma Hamou has repeatedly refused to identify her educational background at all. She was ordered in a court trial to provide her educational background and replied with no information. In her own words, her film appearances were of so little importance that she was not given screen credit, she refuses to publicly identify the films, and says "even if she was just an extra or danced she was in a film." This REALITY is no where near what anyone would call "moderately successful" as an "actress"..

"Oma is currently a member of the "California Attorneys for Criminal Justice"
Some Oma Hamou Reality: WEELLLL kiddies, we called a California attorney who specializes in criminal law and asked him to look her up in their directory for us. Guess what? Yep, she is not listed currently as a member.

"Oma Hamou's (Sarskaia) Foundation is actively engaged in the rehabilitation of Tzarskoye Selo city's historic core, restoring the Fedorovsky Cathedral, the Fedorovsky Little Town and the Alexander Palace, last home of Czar Nicholas II and his family".

Some Oma Hamou Reality: According to the office of the State Museum of Tsarskoe Selo and the International Liason for the City of Pushkin (which is the name of the former Tsarskoe Selo today) and Rostor Realty which represents the Orthodox church for restoration of the Fedorovsky Little Town, Oma Hamou and her "foundation" have done NOTHING NADA ZERO AND ZIP for any of these places in the last FIVE YEARS. This is hardly being "actively engaged", no? What she "did do" according to them was give the Alexander Palace like $4,000 for minor work. Lets face it, even in Russian four grand wont do hardly anything to restore a palace. She signed a bunch of contracts, made lots of promises, and failed to live up to a single thing she promised to do, and those contracts are now long forgotten and dismissed by Dr. Sautov's office at the Museum.

"Oma's life is full as she juggles parenting, writing, running a film company and managing the Sarskaia foundation..."
Some Oma Hamou Reality: Enigma Films has yet to produce a single film in the last seven years. One project has been "floated" for these seven years, but nothing has materialized except for some dozen legal judgments against Oma Hamou, Engima films and Sarskaia which total almost ONE MILLION DOLLARS of debt, just from the judgments. One wonders how much debt has not been brought to court.

REALLY INTERESTING OMA HAMOU REALITY: The Sarskaia Foundation website "Projects" page is blank. So there must not be much to manage over there.