Thursday, January 10, 2008

yet MORE Freudian Slippage!

OY VEY KIDDIES! Yet more screed from Oma Hamou aka "Sandman". First some clarity and clarification. This blog does NOT belong to "Bob Atchison", so any statement to that effect is wrong, incorrect, inaccurate, made up, misguided, fabricated, delusional and just not true. Make them PROVE IT! They can't, so they won't, because you can't prove what ain't true.

NEW UPDATE 2-11-08 below.

Update 1-12-2008: This statement is repeated often on Oma Hamou aka "Sandman's" blog "According to sources close to Oma Hamou the police have confirmed that the author of Oma Hamou Reality blog is in fact someone close to Bob Atchison" We were of course interested that Google might have disclosed our personal information. So, we asked Google to confirm if any personal information regarding this blog and our account had been turned over to or even been requested by any law enforcement agency. The answer is a resounding NO. Google has NOT even been asked, nor disclosed any information about us at all. If they "had" been, we would have been notified, we weren't. The only way they "would have" is only by Court Order, and we still would have been notified. We weren't. In other words, this is a major WHOPPER! a Double Whopper, with cheese, the "sources" are WRONG or LYING and "Sandman" keeps repeating these falsehoods KNOWING they're false.
They respond with a lame "According to the F.B.I it never compromises any of its investigations or sensitive techniques used by the FBI during undercover investigations." OK, so which is it then? The FBI compromised its investigation by telling "sources close to Oma Hamou" information from its investigation, OR Oma Hamou is admitting that she and her "sources" including Sandman have compromised the FBI investigation by revealing information from their investigation? OR, is the "FBI investigation" just a couple of tons of BS?? We know which one is the far more likely...We bet you're smart enough to know too.

Weigh the accuracy of everything ELSE they say without similar proof and the information from their "sources" and information claimed to come from "law enforcement" or "Police" as a result of this major whopper. and remember, the public accusation that someone has committed a crime and/or is a criminal is LIBEL PER SE unless it is the truth, so make them show the conviction records to prove the truth of THOSE accusations as well. Bet they can't, unlike us, who HAVE the conviction records for Oma Hamou Miss Thang's felony record. Well maybe Montana, Utah and Wyoming are mistaken...

OK, Second clarification, we do NOT think physical abuse of ANYONE is funny. What IS funny are the "perils of Pauline" tales told trying to portray Miss Thang nevah was as some total "victim". Notice again, NO criminal charges every filed or convictions against ANYONE she claims "abused" her, she wants you to just "accept her say so". We don't...thats all.. We prefer proof to screed anyday.

Interesting thing we noted. Total Silence from Oma Hamou's attack blog since 12/19. THEN sudden new postings almost within MINUTES of postings on her "forum" (well its really more morgue than forum, with Miss Thang Oma Hamou talking to herself mostly and the two intellectually challenged poor suckers who actually FALL for her line...well somebody must fall for the Nigerian email scams too or they wouldn't keep spamming them out there. THEN like 20 "comments" every six minutes on her blog...after NO comments for WEEKS...Coincidence?? yeah, right...

Update 1-11-08 below.

The following was posted on Oma Hamou's defame Bob Atchison Blog supposedly to shed light on others, HOWEVER, Freud smiling here, it really DOES apply to Miss Thang Oma Hamou nevahwaz...

Oma Hamou's words in Bold,our reply follows (and for the thousandth time, we aint Bob Atchison, Rob Moshein, or whoever...make her PROVE IT, cuz she can't...but her insistence otherwise sheds light as you'll see here below)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is the pathological belief that a person thinks he or she is above anyone else. This disorder is often caused through trauma in childhood, and is developed during adolescence as a defense mechanism. NPDs have grandiose delusions of being rich, powerful, beautiful, and more intelligent that those around them.
-OK, Oma Hamou believes she is a "Model, Actress, Author and Motion Picture PRODUCER", her continued claims, just look at her website and blogs. She Rides Horses on the Beach in Malibu, drives a Jaguar convertible, has adoring fans, was a well known Model, and is talented enough to write, produce and star in a "Major Motion Picture" with NO EXPERIENCE AS AN AUTHOR PRODUCER OR FILM ACTRESS!

They lack any sort of empathy, since they do not see anyone else as being as important or "unique" like they are. They are cold, ruthless people who use everyone around them as "narcissitic supply"-- meaning they use other people as "mirrors" to reflect their own "greatness" back to them. If a person refuses to be a "mirror", meaning they can see the NPD for what they really are, then the NPD will "devalue and discard" them. NPDs will resort to revenge when they think they have been wronged, whether it be real or imagined. They will blame everything and everyone around them for anything that goes wrong because they simply cannot perceive that they could be at fault. NPDs are what Shakespeare called, "a smiling villian."
OK, This is way too obvious. That Bob Atchison guy at first believed Oma Hamou's story and and claims. THEN, he sued her and WON. Now, look at the double blogs that blame EVERYTHING bad happening to Oma Hamou ON HIM! I mean, its almost laughable how her blogs make some web designer and Russian Historian in Texas out to be some sort of "conspiracy central Dr. Evil". Look at the threats of criminal prosecution that have gone one for over TWO YEARS since Hamou LOST Atchison's suit against her. Lord the Enron and Jack Abramoff investigations didn't take Two YEARS! Her elderly Ex Husband, the one who dumped her is in on it too and also responsible for EVERTHING bad, even her FELONY CONVICTIONS according to Oma Hamou...I mean, you don't have to have a PHD to see how this all ties in. They will blame everything and everyone around them for anything that goes wrong because they simply cannot perceive that they could be at fault Oma Hamou was convicted of Felony crimes NOT because of what she did, according to her, but RATHER because of her ex-husband. Not HER Fault. She says she didn't lose the Atchison lawsuit because of anything SHE did, oh no, it was because Atchison "committed perjury". Not HER Fault. UPDATE 1-11-08: WAIT, Hamou now says she didn't lose the suit because Atchison committed "perjury", She says now that it was the COURT'S FAULT she lost. Not HER Fault, now its the COURT'S FAULT! Repeat after me kids: They will blame everything and everyone around them for anything that goes wrong because they simply cannot perceive that they could be at fault Oma Hamou didn't rack up all that debt we list below because of anything SHE did, it was Atchison's fault. Not HER Fault. Oma Hamou's "motion picture" never saw the light of day, NOT BECAUSE of the fact Hamou had no experience, she'll tell you it was Atchison's fault, Not HER Fault. See?? Read everything Oma Hamou tells you, and she will NEVER admit fault for a single thing...the fault always lies with someone else.

Here are Oma Hamou's exact words in italics (oh, and for the record, we don't necessarily accept her words here to be true, these are just her assertions and claims, there is no genuine evidence of their veracity):
Had Marcus Demian been a "man of honor" and kept his word to the court, Oma Hamou would have never been convicted of any crime
CONCLUSION: The evidence supports Hamou's contentions had her then husband, Marcus Demian made good on his word to the courts in Montana and Utah she would have avoided being convicted of a crime.
So, she says it isn't OMA HAMOU'S FAULT she was convicted of felony crimes, it was her Ex Husband's Fault.

FACT: The court should have dismissed Atchison's lawsuit
The courts choose [sic] to believe Atchison and his attorney rather than Hamou in pro se.

NOT OMA HAMOU'S FAULT. The Court's Fault.
CONCLUSION: The evidence supports Hamou's contention that Bob Atchison and his attorney committed perjury and Atchison is guilty of fraud and forgery.
NOT OMA HAMOU'S FAULT. Bob Atchison and his attorney's fault.
The fraud perpetrated on the court and on Oma Hamou was Atchison and his attorney's false statement about an existing lawsuit the CRIMINAL TERM used to describe this action is called 'perjury' and the use of fraudulent documents by Bob Atchison. The court relied upon the representation made to it by Atchison's attorney that the documents in question were from a different lawsuit which Hamou has successfully proven didn't exist. In other words it was a lie.
NOT OMA HAMOU'S FAULT. Bob Atchison and his Attorney's Fault.
Furthermore, had Hamou's evidence been allowed in it is reasonable to ascertain that either Atchison's lawsuit would've been 'tossed out' because it named the wrong Plaintiff and Defendant and/or the outcome of the verdict would've been different
NOT HER FAULT. The Court's Fault.

I informed the court that indeed this was a lie, which could easily be verified by a telephone call to the Travis County District Clerk’s office. Instead the court relied upon the representations made by Mr. Atchison and his attorney.
NOT OMA HAMOU'S Fault. The Court's Fault.

Repeat after me kids: NPDs will blame everything and everyone around them for anything that goes wrong because they simply cannot perceive that they could be at fault

They are masters of gaining your trust while stabbing you in the back.
Oma Hamou's MO, according to everyone out here in LA we talked to, like Enda Morton and David this is just what we were told, BUT she was people's best friend, and at the same time using their names and Social Security numbers to run up tens of thousands of Dollars in American Express charges.

They are pathological liars and extraordinary manipulators.
Just read this blog, you'll see how this applies. Ask Hamou where she gets all her money, you know, that pays for the horsies in Malibu, the Jag, her travel, when chica AINT HAD A JOB in over ten years minimum, and Mizz "producah" AINT PRODUCED NO MOVIES...
ASK OMA HAMOU to give you the specific acting credits that make her the "actress" she claims to be. ASK OMA HAMOU for the specific publications that make her the MODEL she claims to be, ASK OMA HAMOU what credentials or experience make her the MOTION PICTURE PRODUCER she claims to be. ASK OMA HAMOU how many books have been published that make her the AUTHOR she claims to be.

Her continued stories are indeed pathological in nature. Her answers are all intended to manipulate.

1-12-08: Oma Hamou "says" "According to sources close to Oma Hamou the police have confirmed that the author of Oma Hamou Reality blog is in fact someone close to Bob Atchison" but this IS NOT TRUE. As explained above, Google has not even been asked for information about this blog by law enforcement, much less given this information out. But see? she keeps saying so, knowing it isn't true.

Oma Hamou filed a Dunn and Bradstreet report about her "company" Enigma Films, when D&B researched Oma Hamou's claims made in the report, like she had hundreds of employees, huge office space, contracts with Universal studios to rent space,etc, they found the entire report bogus.
(note for the blame on others as above, Oma Hamou now claims that "she" didn't file the bogus Dunn & Bradstreet report on Enigma, but "someone else" must have filed it without her knowledge. AGAIN NOT OMA HAMOU'S FAULT!)

UPDATE 2-11-08
So, WHY we must ask did Hamou using her psychotic pretend alter ego do nothing but copy the second blog entry back, except MAKE SOME OF THE FONT SIZE REALLY REALLY BIG LIKE TO SHOUT AT YOU? This was the same blog entry that does NOTHING but try to show that NOTHING EVER EVER was Oma Hamou's fault, none of the felonies, none of the debt, the bogus Dunn & Bradstreet report, failed marriages, lies and deception...none of it was "Oma Hamou's Fault" according to the new big font shreaking.

Repeat after me kids: NPDs will blame everything and everyone around them for anything that goes wrong because they simply cannot perceive that they could be at fault

Well, maybe she just had to say "something" after a month's silence, but couldn't come up with anything new to say, so she just flung more feces from her cage at the public. Poor Miss Nevah Was Wannabee a Playah Thang...Those who can, do. Those who can't just make it all up and blame others.

One would think that all this would mean the NPD loves herself with all she has. Quite the opposite-- NPDs HATE themselves to their very core. Ever hear the phrase, "You can't love someone if you don't love yourself?" That statement is entirely true for NPDs. They CANNOT love, they aren't wired for it. In fact, NPDs feel very little of anything except rage and hatred turned into themselves. They PLAY at feeling emotions such as love and happiness, because they literally CAN'T feel it. They are the ultimate pretenders, the ultimate con artists.
Ask Hamou's previous husbands/Boyfriends: Ashkenazy the hotel magnate in Beverly Hills, Marcus Demian, Eli Hamou...notice how no marriage made it even a year...

Freud is in hysterics by this point.

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