Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A man is judged by the company he keeps.

An interesting ancient Chinese saying. The original saying is actually "before you judge the man himself, judge first the company he keeps."

UPDATE 2-17-08: Found this doing some web searches. Seems Rob Moshein has added some more Reality to Mizz Nevah Wuz Thang:

UPDATED 2-16-08: Some readers told us this wasn't really clear, so let us clarify. Oma Hamou's blog purports to have dozens of anonymous "friends" who post comments (every ten minutes like clockwork), and boast of their "support". Now most every single sentient being with just a couple of connected neural cells can see its just her playing "sock puppet theatre" (I saw that in an archive online doing research and cracked up at how accurate it is...) So, let's just humor poor Miz nevahwuzwannabee Thang, and just say for grins she actually HAS "friends"...

So, kids, lets look at Oma Hamou's "company" and how they comport themselves, then you can judge Oma Hamou for yourself.

Following are Oma's "friends' " comments from her blog (notice how brave her 'friends' are not to use any actual names). These are the exact comments copied from her blog, posted by her self proclaimed "friends":

Anonymous Melissa said...

Nice work Sandman, Mike Newson and the rest who fight hard for Oma Hamou and justice. Did you read the shitty respond from Bob and them about your information? I hope Bob and Rob goes to jail`-- Rob seems to be a stalker and Bob well he just is plain a sociopath!

11:24 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole thing makes me sick what those two buttholes did to her. The thing that rings true is Bob and his people view him as a hero to the Alexander Palace no one in Russia but read Bob's web site on his damn Alexander Palace Time Machine and he makes himself out to be one. Marvcus Demian views himself as a hero, a hero to his wives and children, to his last hooray in the service for his country yet the fucker tries to sue the government some fuckin hero he turns out to be. I say they all need to go to jail. All of them!

11:54 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O they think its o.k. they lie, that Bob lied to the police and in court about Oma Hamou they actually have the balls to condone what he's done by saying so what he lied, no fucking big deal, Oma's got a criminal record from way back when for writing checks while running from the fucker who was beating the shit out of her and her children, Marcus Demian, so what Bob and Rob did all these things no fucking big deal they are doing us all a favor by getting rid of her - give me a fucking break! Morons!

11:57 PM
Anonymous David A. Jackson said...

I think Bob did this to Oma because he is jealous -- jealous that she did something he was unable to do and NOW will never do. Oma was able to secure multi million dollar contracts with Russia, she actually put money into restoring a church and the Alexander Palace but above all this the Russians trusted her more than they will ever trust Bob Atchison. Bob Atchison destroyed Oma Hamou for no other reason but jealousy. His need to be recognized by the public as a hero is so important. By the way I really liked your comment on the blog comparing Bob to Charles Manson. Good job Sandman and hey the guys on Oma's side, well you've done one helluva a job in proving the woman was FRAMED.

1:26 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob Moshein is a malicious stalker and Bob Atchison committed several crimes against Oma Hamou. Thank you for exposing these men for the monsters they really are and thank you Oma Hamou for having the guts to stand up to assholes like these not many people could do this.

Anonymous Justin said...

Bob Atchison wrote: As I always say people say things on the web that they would never say to a person face-to-face. I always dread going back and reading some of the things I posted in alt.talk.royalty 8 years ago - was that me? I really am a nice guy but you wouldn't know it to read my comments back then...


10:01 AM

Anonymous ty said...

If you look at the history of Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein's statements to the courts, all under oath, and to the police you will find that they have told inconsistent and contradictory statements about Oma Hamou. Everything, absolutely everything on that OTHER BLOG about Oma which those two COWARDS, hide behind a false names is things that BOB ATCHISON wrote and told to the people back in what 2001 all the way up until the present day. Rob's profession is so he says is a retired attorney, yet the man perjured himself in the lawsuit Oma filed against him, take a look at the link concerning Perjury and Rob Moshein. He's a liar so is Bob.These two assholes who rule their little FORUM with a hammer and are CZARS of that sick little world have made statements about Oma, heck, they've accused her of every crime imaginable even going so far and relying on the word of her ex husband, Marcus Demian, another sick bastard whose a genuine pediophile and fucker that there is some PORN URL out there that features Oma. Well, guess what folks no such PORN SITE exists its just some more, this is called reckless disregard for the truth. You don't publish those kinds of allegations without legitimate sources and corroboration before you put out statements that are clearly, knowingly going to impugn someone's reputation and hold them up to public ridicule, contempt and scorn.

So Rob your fucked so is Bob because from where I sit, the police knows you two scumbags are behind all those sites on the web about Hamou and they can prove your a fucking stalker and a continuity of pattern from what Rob & Bob, let's see you've been doing this same shit for 8 years you fuckers sit back because AN INDICTMENT IS COMING!!!

7:03 PM
And of course her rusted out "knight" alter ego "sandman":
Bob Atchison and his life partner might be fat, ugly and stupid.
these two sludge-peddlers always play for keeps and they will wipe the gutter with Oma Hamou if she lets them, cause that is where they live.

Anonymous Jim the Old Valley Sugah Daddy wish you had one? said...

The one thing those idiots over on that other blog got right "NUFF SAID" -- the thing is there was way enough said 7 years ago they still can't keep their mouths shut. Even if you want to belittle Oma's high point and sauy they were nothing, so if she had never attained any fame or glory why would that be so bad? Why would that be a reason to belittling her? So now 90% of the people that your talking too, also never attained any fame or glory - SO WHAT? Alot of them are very decent people and not cruel malicious assholes like you - I'm talking to you assholes, Bob Atchison and Rob Moshein!

12:42 AM
Anonymous Jim said...

By the way you wish you had a Sugah Daddy - your not going to get one. Sugah Daddy's are for attractive people!

You calling Oma past her prime at least she had a prime and she's still got a flare what do you have - you look like you swallowed a beach ball and going bald who the hell are you to belittle anyone's appearance, you sorry sack of shit!

12:44 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob has a SUGAH DADDY - BOB ATCHISON and Bob well he had many, like Larry until Larry got tired of his shit and kicked him to the curb!!!!

Now he mooches of whoever by hiding behind the Romanov name and crying, no whining "Poor whoas me!"

9:10 PM

Of course, we can't forget the only one with genuine cojones enough to sometimes use his real name, Mike Newson. You remember the one who likes pubescent little girls in panty hose....

Nice friends, huh? Articulate, educated, well spoken and well thought out, good grammar, excellent word choices...NOT. Would YOU want friends like this?. Do you even HAVE friends like this? We know what we believe it says about Oma Hamou that her 'friends' act like this...

NOW, remember this is probably just Oma Hamou playing with herself and performing sockpuppet theatre...making believe she has "friends"

You judge this all for yourselves, of course.

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